In Yemba language let’s learn some common words and expressions

How to quickly remember words and expressions in the Yemba language ?

Welcome to this new language course dedicated to learning the Yemba language. Today we are going to learn some words and expressions to use in the Yemba dialect.

However, the Yemba language contains expressions like any language to refer to people and things. For example   » Míă  »  which means   » mom « ,   » Míă ga  »  which means   » my mother  » ,   » Huumm  »  which means   » Yes  » and other expressions we will learn in this course.

In order to learn these words and be able to memorize them, I recommend you watch this video which will give you practice of some expressions used daily in the family as well as the tone used to pronounce these words. Then you will be able to memorize these words as quickly as possible before the end of this course.

So if you liked this video, you are welcome to learn the African languages of your choice on metchoup.  Also for more learning videos, visit our youtube channel.

Enjoy learning African languages.


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