Mbə̀mbə̀ asoán ! – FANGBETI ewondo language

Mbə̀mbə̀ asoán ! – FANGBETI ewondo language

Here are the details of your formation :

Module One is composed of 10 chapters structured as follows:

Chapter 1:

History of the Ewondo language


Definition of personal and collective objectives

Chapter 2:

Learning to count

Days of the week

Vocabulary → lexical field to be defined

Chapter 3:

Reading the time

Vocabulary → lexical field to define verbs

Chapter 4:

Introduction of pronouns

Conjugation: present tense, future tense

Vocabulary → lexical field to define

Chapter 5:

Conjugation: recent past tense, compound past tense.

Vocabulary → lexical field to be defined

Chapter 6:

Expressions of time and space.

Expressions of politeness

Vocabulary → lexical field to be defined

Chapter 7:


Vocabulary → lexical field to be defined

Chapter 8:

Building the First Sentences

Learning to introduce oneself

Chapter 9:


Questions and Answers

Chapter 10:



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